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What is A2 Milk? Gut-Healthy Milk from Raw Life Farms Grass-Fed Cows

22 Oct, 2024
What is A2 Milk? Gut-Healthy Milk from Raw Life Farms Grass-Fed Cows

Raw Life Farms is a beloved local producer of raw milk, raw cream, and raw butter for the Treasure Valley. Did you know that milk from Raw Life Farms, while not officially A2 certified, consistently tests for a high percentage of A2, around 90%?

This means the cows at Raw Life Farms naturally produce milk with the A2/A2 protein and little to no A1 protein. Nothing has been done to the milk to make it A2 milk. It's just normal, raw, unpasteurized milk straight from cows who produce naturally better milk.

>> Order raw milk from Raw Life Farm

>> Order raw cream from Raw Life Farm

>> Order raw butter from Raw Life Farm

What is A2 Milk?

A2 milk is more about what's NOT in the milk than what is in the milk. A2 milk has been tested to confirm the absence of A1 beta-casein protein, a common protein in most cow's milk. The A1 protein has been linked to gut inflammation, which causes GI distress and discomfort. This is why many independent scientific studies support consuming milk with the A2/A2 protein for a digestive advantage over other cow's milk.

About Raw Life Farms

Raw Life Farms was started by Seth and Andi Hansen in 2018 in Melba, Idaho with just a couple of dairy cows. Seth grew up on a farm in Monteview, Idaho, and Andi is a 4th generation farmer from the Treasure Valley.
The Hansens run their farm with their three fun and busy girls who love the farm life. They bought Treasured Sunrise Acres dairy business and haven't looked back since.
"Our farm is pasture based. We believe animals produce healthy milk and healthy meat when they are raised in natural ways. Our cows are never fed grain and live out in the open pastures and not in a feed lot."

  • Pasture-raised dairy cows
  • Chemical-free pasture
  • Never grain-fed
  • No feed lots
  • No antibiotics
  • Soy free
  • No additives or colors added
  • High percentage of A2/A2 protein

Raw Milk, Cream & Butter from Raw Life Farms High in A2/A2 Protein

Raw Life milk starts with Jersey and Jersey-cross cows who graze on well watered, chemical-free pasture. A grain-free diet means these cows have healthy guts.

To make cream and butter, the Hansens start with unprocessed, raw whole milk that's been filtered and cooled. Absolutely no colors are added to any of the prodcuts.

Raw milk, raw cream, and raw butter from Raw Life Farms are living, whole products naturally filled with vitamins, enzymes, minerals, good bacteria, CLA, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Tests on the milk from Raw Life Farms has indicated the milk is around 90% A2/A2. This includes the raw cream and raw butter.